1 of the present time; happening now 现时的;现行的:
current fashions/events时装;时事
2 generally accepted; in common use 被普遍接受;通用:
Is this word still current?这个词还通用吗?
/ˈkʌrənt ||; ˈkɝənt/noun
1 [C] a continuous flowing movement of water, air, etc 水流;气流:
to swim against/with the current逆流╱顺流游泳 (figurative 比喻)a current of anti-government feeling 一股反政府的情绪
2 [U] the flow of electricity through a wire, etc 电流
current1/ˋkɝənt; ˈkʌrənt/adj happening, existing, or being used now 现在的﹔当前的﹔现行的: her current boyfriend 她的现任男友The word is still current in some circles. 这个词在有些圈子里仍然通用。 —currently adv see box at见 NOW1 方框
current2n [C] 1 a flow of water or air in a particular direction 水流﹔气流: Strong currents are dangerous for swimmers. 激流会对游泳者造成危险。2 a flow of electricity through a wire 电流
currentcurrentcurrents2noun1air or water that is moving: It is dangerous to swim here because of the strong current.2electricity that is going through a wirecurrentcurrent1adjectivehappening or used now: current fashions▶ currentlyadverbnow; at the moment: He is currently working in Saudi Arabia.