move1/muv; muːv/v 1 [I,T]to change from one place or position to another, or to make something do this(使)移动﹐搬动: move (sth) away/back/forward etc Move away from the door! 走开﹐别挡着门!He moved the chair into the corner of the room. 他把椅子搬到房间的角落里。+about/around She could hear someone moving around downstairs. 她听到楼下有人在走动。The traffic was still moving slowly. 路上的车辆依然在慢慢地移动。2 also 又作 move away [I] to go to a new place to live or work 搬家﹐搬迁: Henry moved away after college. 亨利大学毕业后就搬走了。+to/ into/from They moved to Birmingham in May. 他们五月份就搬到伯明翰去了。move house BrE (=go to live in a different house)【英】搬家 We’re moving house next week. 我们下个星期搬家。3 [I] to make progress or changes 进展﹐发展﹔行动: Things are moving fast now we’ve got a new manager. 我们来了个新经理﹐事情进展很快。You need to move quickly to take advantage of this opportunity. 你需要赶快行动﹐抓住这个机会。4 [T] to make someone feel a strong emotion, especially sadness or sympathy [→ moving] 激起〔某人〕的强烈情感〔尤指悲伤或同情〕﹔使感动: The story moved us to tears (=made us cry). 这个故事让我们感动得落泪。Harry was genuinely moved by what he saw. 哈里被自己的所见深深感动。5 [T] to change the time or order of something 改变〔时间或顺序〕: move sth from/to sth The meeting's been moved from Wednesday to Thursday. 会议时间从周三改到周四了。6 get moving spoken used to tell someone they need to hurry【口】快些﹐赶快: If you don’t get moving, you’ll miss the bus. 你要是不快点会赶不上公共汽车的。move in phr v 1 to start living in a new house 搬进新居: When are you moving in? 你什么时候搬进新居?2 to start living with someone in the same house 开始〔与某人〕同住: +with Steve's moving in with his girlfriend. 史蒂夫要搬去和他的女友同住。+together We’re thinking about moving in together. 我们在考虑搬到一起住。move off phr v if a car, train etc moves off, it moves forward to start its journey〔汽车﹑火车等〕开动﹐出发move on phr v 1 to stop doing or dealing with one thing, and start doing or dealing with something else 变换到别的事情﹐开始做别的事情: I enjoyed my job, but it was time to move on. 我是喜欢我的工作﹐但也应该换一换了。+to I’d like to move on now to the subject of education. 接着我想谈谈教育问题。2 to leave a place where you have been staying and continue on your journey 继续前行: After three days we decided it was time to move on. 三天后我们决定该继续赶路了。3 to develop, improve, or become more modern 发展﹐进展﹔变得更现代: Her ideas have hardly moved on since the thirties. 她的想法从三十年代到现在几乎没有变过。move out phr v to permanently leave the house where you are living 搬出去﹐迁走: We have to move out by next Friday. 我们必须在下周五之前搬走。move over phr v to change position so that there is more space for other people or things〔为腾出地方而〕移动﹐挪动: Move over so Jim can sit down. 挪动一下﹐好让吉姆坐下。 move up phr v 1 to change to a higher job, group, level etc 升迁﹐晋升﹔〔级别﹑水平等〕上升: +to He's moved up to tenth in the world rankings. 他的世界排名升到了第十位。2 BrE to change position so that there is more space for other people or things【英】〔为腾出地方而〕移动﹐挪动: If everyone moves up a bit, you can sit here. 如果大家都挪一挪﹐你可以坐在这里。
move2n [C]1 something that you decide to do in order to achieve something〔为做成某事而采取的〕行动﹐举措: She wondered what her next move should be. 她不知道下一步该怎么办。Hiring Peter was definitely a good move (=a good decision).录用彼得绝对是个明智之举。+to/towards The talks are a definite move towards peace. 这几次会谈绝对是向和平迈出的一步。2 a movement in a particular direction〔朝某个方向的〕移动: Arnison made a move for the door. 阿尼森朝门口走去。I knew he was watching my every move . 我知道他在注意着我的一举一动。3 be on the move to be travelling to different places all the time 总是在奔走﹐马不停蹄4 make a move BrE spoken to leave a place【英,口】离开﹐走: It's late, we’d better be making a move. 不早了﹐我们还是走吧。5 get a move on spoken used to tell someone to hurry【口】快点﹐赶紧: Get a move on, or we’ll be late! 快点﹐要不我们会迟到的!6 when you go to live or work in a new place 搬家﹐搬迁﹔换工作: How did the move go? 搬家顺利吗?7 when you change the position of one of the pieces in a game such as CHESS 一步棋: It's your move. 该你走了。