especially/əˋspɛʃəlI; Iˈspeʃ$li/adv 1 much more than usual, or much more than other people or things 尤其﹔特别﹐格外: The town is very busy, especially in summer. 这座城镇很繁忙﹐尤其是在夏天。Good teaching is especially important. 教得好尤其重要。2 for one particlular person or reason 专门﹐特地: +for He played that song especially for me. 他特地为我弹了那首歌。She bought new clothes especially for the trip. 她特地为这次旅行买了新衣服。3 not especially not very much 不是特别﹐不怎么: The hotel isn’t especially nice. 这酒店不是特别好。