1 a device for holding back solid substances from a liquid or gas that passes through it 过滤器:
a coffee filter咖啡过滤器an oil filter滤油器
2 a piece of coloured glass used with a camera to hold back some types of light 滤光镜;滤色镜
/ˈfɪltə(r) ||; ˈfɪltɚ/verb
1 [T] to pass a liquid through a filter 过滤:
Do you filter your water?你把饮用水过滤吗?
2 [I] filter in, out, through, etc to move slowly and/or in small amounts 渗入;渗出;慢慢移动:
Sunlight filtered into the room through the curtains.阳光透过窗帘的缝隙照进房间。 (figurative 比喻)News of her illness filtered through to her friends.她患病的消息慢慢传到她的朋友那里。
filter sb/sth out (of sth) to remove sth that you do not want from a liquid, light, etc using a special device or substance 用过滤法除去:
This chemical filters impurities out of the water.这种化学物质能去除水里的杂质。 (figurative 比喻)This test is designed to filter out weaker candidates before the interview stage.这次测验旨在将较差的应试者在面试阶段之前就加以剔除。