save1/sev; seIv/v 1 [T] to make someone or something safe from danger or harm [→ rescue] 救﹐拯救﹐挽救: The new speed limit could save many lives . 新的速度限制能挽救很多人的生命。save sb/sth from sth Only three people were saved from the fire. 这次火灾中只有三个人获救。a campaign to save the old theatre 挽救那家老剧院的运动2 also 又作 save up [I,T] to keep money so that you can use it later 攒(钱)﹐储蓄: I’ve saved $600 so far. 到目前为止﹐我已储蓄了 600 美元。+for We’re saving up for a new car. 我们在攒钱买新车。3 also 又作 save on [T] to use less time, money, energy etc, so that you do not waste any [ waste ] 节省﹐节约: We’ll save time if we take a taxi. 我们乘计程车就可以节省时间。There are many ways to save on energy costs. 降低能源成本有许多办法。4 [T] also 又作 save sth up to keep something so that you can use or enjoy it in the future 保存﹐保留〔以备后用〕: You can save up the vouchers and get free airline tickets. 你可以保留这些代金券换取免费机票。save sth for sth We’d been saving the champagne for a special occasion. 我们这瓶香槟酒是留到特别的日子喝的。5 [T] to help someone by making it unnecessary for them to do something unpleasant or inconvenient 给…免除〔令人不快或不便之事〕: save sb (doing) sth If you get some bread, it will save me a trip to the shops. 如果你有些面包﹐我就不用去商店跑一趟了。I’ll give you a lift to save you waiting at the bus stop. 我可以让你搭我的车﹐免得你在公共汽车站等车。6 [T] to stop people from using something, so that it is available for someone else [ keep ] 〔为某人〕保存﹐保留: save sth for sb We’ll save some dinner for you. 我们会给你留些晚饭的。save sb sth Will you save me a seat? 你给我留个座位好吗?7 [I,T] to make a computer keep the work that you have done on it〔电脑〕储存(输入的资料)﹐存盘: Don’t forget to save the changes that you made. 别忘了把你做的改动存盘。see box at见 COMPUTER 方框8 [I,T] to stop someone from scoring in games such as football 救(球)〔足球等比赛中不让对方进球得分〕: The goalkeeper saved the shot. 守门员挡住了这次射门。9 saving grace the one good thing that makes someone or something acceptable when everything else about them is bad 唯一可取之处: His sense of humour was his only saving grace. 他的幽默感是他唯一的优点。save face at 见 FACE1
save2n [C] when a player in a game such as football prevents the other team from scoring〔足球等比赛中的〕救球﹐阻碍对方得分: Martin made a brilliant save . 马丁漂亮地将球扑出。