reach1/ritʃ; riːtʃ/v 1 [T] to arrive at a place 抵达﹐到达: It took four days for the letter to reach me. 用了四天时间那封信才寄到我手上。2 [I,T] to move your hand or arm in order to touch, hold, or pick up something 伸出〔手或手臂来碰触﹑拿取或捡起〕: +for He reached for his knife. 他伸手去拔刀。+out Mike reached out and took her hand. 迈克伸出手握住她的手。3 [T] to increase, decrease, or develop to a particular level or standard over time 增加[减少﹐发展]到〔某一程度或水平〕: Temperatures will reach 95° today. 今天气温将达到 95 度。I had reached the point where I was getting a good salary. 我已经到了挣高薪的层次了。4 [I,T] to be big enough, long enough etc to get to a particular level or point 大得[长得等]足以及到: I can’t reach the top shelf. 我够不到最上面的那层搁架。Will the ladder reach the roof? 这把梯子够得到屋顶吗?5 [T] to successfully agree with people about something 达成﹐达到﹐实现: We have finally reached a decision . 我们终于作出了一个决定。6 [T] to speak to someone, especially by telephone [ contact ] 〔尤指通过电话〕与〔某人〕联系: I wasn’t able to reach him yesterday. 我昨天和他没联系上。
reach2n [singular 单数, U] 1 the distance that you can stretch out your arm to touch something 伸手可及的距离: out of/beyond (sb's) reach The box was just out of her reach. 那盒子她刚好够不到。within reach (of sb) Keep a glass of water within reach. 手边要放一杯水。 2 within (easy) reach of sth close to a place 离某处很近﹐靠近某处: The train is within easy reach of the hotel. 从酒店去坐火车很近便。3 the limit of someone's power or ability to do something〔权力或能力的〕所及范围: He lives in Paraguay, well beyond the reach of the British authorities. 他住在巴拉圭﹐英国当局鞭长莫及。