quality1/ˋkwɑlətI; ˈkwɒləti or ˈkwɒlIti/n plural qualities 1 [U] how good or bad something is 质﹐质量﹐品质: the decline in air quality in our cities 我们城市空气质量的下降poor/good/high etc quality good quality shoes 质量好的鞋Much of the land was of poor quality . 这块土地大部分都很贫瘠。>top quality (=highest quality) products 优质产品2 [U] a high standard 优质: +of I’ve been impressed by the quality of his work. 他的工作质量很高﹐让我印象深刻。3 [C usually plural 一般用复数] a good or bad part of someone's character[→ characteristic] 素质﹐品性﹐品德: +of Stacy has all the qualities of a natural leader. 斯泰西完全具备天生领导人的素质。4 [C] something that is typical of a person or thing 特点﹐特性: Atkinson's novels all have a humorous quality. 阿特金森的小说都具有幽默的特征。
quality2adj [only before noun 仅用于名词前] very good 优质的﹐品质好的: We sell quality clothing at a price you can afford. 我们出售的服装品质上乘﹐价格合理。