murder1/ˋmɝdɚ; ˈmɜːdə/n 1 [C,U] the crime of killing someone deliberately [→ manslaughter] 谋杀(罪): Police believe the murders were committed by the same person. 警方认为这几宗谋杀案都是同一个人所为。+of He was charged with the murder of his wife. 他因谋杀妻子被起诉。The murder weapon was believed to be an axe. 凶器被认为是一把斧头。the murder victim 凶案死者2 get away with murder informal to do anything you want, even bad things, without being punished【非正式】犯大错而不受惩罚﹔为所欲为: She lets the children get away with murder. 她听任孩子们为所欲为。3 sth is murder spoken used to say something is very difficult or unpleasant【口】某事物真要命: The traffic was murder this morning. 今天早上路上的交通真要命。
murder2v [T] to kill someone deliberately 谋杀﹐杀害: He denies murdering the teenager. 他否认杀害那名少年。see box at见 CRIMEand 和 KILL1 方框—murderer n [C]