baggage/ˋbægIdʒ; ˈbæɡIdʒ/n [U] 1 the bags that you carry when you are travelling [ luggage ] 行李: Check your baggage in at the desk. 把行李寄存在服务台。2 problems and emotional difficulties that you continue to have from a situation in the past 思想包袱: She's carrying a lot of emotional baggage. 她背负着很重的感情包袱。GRAMMAR 语法Baggage does not have a plural form. You can say some baggage , any baggage , or pieces of baggage ☆ baggage 没有复数形式﹐你可以说 some baggage, any baggage, 或 pieces of baggage: Do you have any baggage? 你有行李吗?