/i:z ||; iz/noun
[U] a lack of difficulty 没有困难;容易:
She answered the questions with ease.这些问题她答得很轻松。☞adjective easy 形容词为 easy[OPP] unease 反义词为 unease(be/feel) at (your) ease to be/feel comfortable, relaxed, etc 感到舒适、自在等:
They were all so kind and friendly that I felt completely at ease.他们都和蔼可亲,我一点也不拘束。
/i:z ||; iz/verb
1 [I,T] to become or make sth less painful or serious 减轻,舒缓(痛楚或负担):
The pain should ease by this evening.到了今天晚上,应该没这么痛了。This money will ease their financial problems a little.这笔钱可以稍解他们的财务困难。☞adjective easy 形容词为 easy
2 [T] to move sth slowly and gently 使慢慢地、轻轻地移动:
He eased the key into the lock.他把钥匙轻轻插进锁里。
ease sb's mind to make sb feel less worried 舒缓某人的忧虑:
The doctor tried to ease her mind about her son's illness.医生尝试让她不要太担心儿子的病情。ease off to become less strong or unpleasant 舒缓;减弱:
Let's wait until the rain eases off.我们等雨小一点再走吧。ease up to work less hard 放轻松点;少劳累些:
Ease up a bit or you'll make yourself ill!别太劳累,不然要病倒的!