fond/fɑnd; fɒnd/adj 1 be fond of sb/sth to like someone or something very much 喜爱某人/某事物: The children are very fond of each other. 孩子们都十分喜欢对方。She had grown fond of Bernard. 她渐渐喜欢上了伯纳德。He's very fond of reading. 他很喜欢阅读。2 [only before noun 仅用于名词前] showing that you like someone very much 深情的﹐柔情的: a fond gesture 深情的动作As they parted, they said a fond farewell . 分手时他们深情道别。3 fond memory someone or something that you remember with great pleasure 愉快的回忆: +of I have fond memories of my time at Oxford. 我怀念在牛津的那段日子。4 fond hope/belief/wish a hope, belief etc that something will happen, which seems silly because it probably will not happen 虚妄的希望/信念/愿望 —fondness n [U]