1 [C] all the people in a family, group or country who were born at about the same time 同代人;一代人:
We should look after the planet for future generations.我们应当为子孙后代着想,照管好这颗星球。This photograph shows three generations of my family(= children, parents and grandparents).这是我家三代同堂的全家福。☞Look at first generation. 参看 first generation。
Generation is used in the singular with either a singular or plural verb The younger generation only seem/seems to be interested in money.generation 作单数名词用的时候,可与单数或复数动词连用:The younger generation only seem/seems to be interested in money.年轻的一代看来只对金钱感兴趣。
2 [C] the average time that children take to grow up and have children of their own, usually considered to be about 25-30 years 一代(通常约25-30年,也就是小孩长大成人所需的时间):
A generation ago foreign travel was still only possible for a few people.二三十年前出国旅游还只有少数人才能办到。
3 [U] the production of sth, especially heat, power, etc 产生(尤指热、电力等)