1 (used in connection with people in business, government, etc) concerned with managing, making plans, decisions, etc (指在商界、政府等工作的人)负责管理、决策等事务的;行政的:
an executive director of the company公司的执行董事executive decisions/jobs/duties行政决定/工作/责任
2 (used about goods, buildings, etc) designed to be used by important business people (指货物、建筑物等)供商界人士使用的:
an executive briefcase行政人员公文包
/ɪgˈzekjətɪv ||; ɪgˈzɛkjυtɪv/noun
1 [C] a person who has an important position as a manager of a business or organization (企业或机构的)行政人员,主管:
She's a senior executive in a computer company.她是一家计算机公司的高级行政人员。
2 [sing] the group of people who are in charge of an organization or a company (机构或公司的)行政部门