taketaketakestooktakingtakenverb (takes, taking, took/, has taken)1to move something or go with somebody to another place: Take your coat with you – it's cold. Mark took me to the station.Look at the note at bring.2to put your hand round something and hold it: Take this money – it's yours. She took my hand and led me outside.3to remove something from a place or a person, often without asking them: Somebody has taken my bike.4to eat or drink something: Don't forget to take your medicine.5to agree to have something; to accept something: If you take my advice you'll forget all about him.6to need an amount of time: The journey took four hours.It takes a long time to learn a language.7to travel in a bus, train, etc.: I took a taxi to the hospital.take after somebodyto be or look like an older member of your family: She takes after her mother.take something awayto remove somebody or something: I took the scissors away from the child.take something downto write something that somebody says: He took down my address.take offWhen a plane takes off, it leaves the ground and starts to fly.oppositelandtake something off1to remove clothes from your body: Take off your coat.oppositeput something on2to have time as a holiday, not working: I am taking a week off in June.take over, take something overto get control of something or look after something when another person stops: Robert took over the business when his father died.take up somethingto use or fill time or space: The bed takes up half the room. The new baby takes up all her time.