closecloseclosesclosedclosing2adjective, adverb (closer, closest)1near: We live close to the station. The photographer asked us to stand closer together (= with less space between us).2If people are close, they know each other well and like each other very much: I'm very close to my sister. John and I are close friends.3(used about a competition or race) only won by a small amount: a close match4careful: Take a close look at this picture.▶ closelyadverb: Paul entered, closely followed by Mike. We watched her closely (= carefully).closecloseclosesclosedclosing1verb (closes, closing, closed)pronunciationWhen the word close is a verb, it has a sound as in grows or nose. When the word close is an adjective, it has an sound as in dose.1to shut: Please close the window. Close your eyes! The door closed quietly.2to stop being open, so that people cannot go there: What time does the bank close?oppositeopenclose down, close something downto stop all business at a shop, factory, etc.: The shop closed down when the owner died. Health inspectors have closed the restaurant down. see Picture Dictionary for video