thick1/θIk; θIk/adj 1 something that is thick is wide and not thin [ thin ] 厚的: a thick slice of bread 一片厚的面包thick stone walls 厚厚的石墙thick woollen material 厚羊毛织物a thick layer of paint 厚厚的一层漆see picture at见 THIN1 图2 5cm/1m etc thick used to say exactly how thick something is 5 厘米/ 1 米等厚: The walls are 30 cm thick. 这些墙都有 30 厘米厚。3 a thick liquid does not have much water in it〔液体〕稠的﹐浓的: a thick sauce 浓酱汁4 difficult to see through 浓密的﹔不易看透的: driving through thick fog 在浓雾中开车5 growing close together with not much space in between 繁茂的﹐茂密的: a thick forest 茂密的森林his thick black hair 他浓密的黑发6 BrE informal stupid【英,非正式】愚蠢的: Don’t be so thick! 别这么蠢! —thickly adv : She sliced the bread thickly. 她把面包切得很厚。
thick2n 1 be in the thick of sth to be in the busiest or most dangerous part of a situation 在某事的最繁忙[最危险]部分: US troops are right in the thick of the action. 美军激战正酣。2 through thick and thin in spite of any difficulties or problems 在任何情况下﹐不顾艰难: The family has stuck together through thick and thin . 这个家庭一直相互扶持﹐同甘共苦。
thick3adv thick and fast happening quickly, one after the other 大量而急速地: Letters have been coming in thick and fast. 信件纷至沓来。