take1/tek; teIk/v [T] past tense took /tUk; tʊk/past participle taken /ˋtekən; ˈteIkən/1 to move something from one place to another, or help someone go from one place to another 搬(走)﹔拿(走)﹔取(走)﹔带〔某人去另一地〕: take sb/sth to/into etc sth Take this note to Dr Mason. 把这张便条带给梅森博士。The policeman took him into a tiny room. 警察把他带到一个小房间里。take sth off/from etc sth Take your feet off the seats. 把你的脚从座位上挪开。take sb/sth with you His wife went to Spain, taking the children with her. 他的妻子带着孩子去了西班牙。take sb to do sth Howard took me to meet his parents. 霍华德领我去见了他的父母。see box at见 BRING 方框2 to steal something or borrow it without permission 偷﹔擅自拿走: Did you take my soda? 你拿了我的苏打水吗?3 to carry something or have it with you when you go somewhere 携带: Make sure you take an umbrella when you leave. 你走时千万要带雨伞。 4 used with some nouns instead of using a verb to say that someone does something, or that something happens 做﹔进行〔和名词连用〕: Here, take a look. 这儿﹐看一下。I took a shower and got ready to go out. 我洗了个淋浴,准备出去。take a holiday/break/rest etc Let's take a short break and meet here in ten minutes. 我们稍微休息一下﹐十分钟后在这里集合。take a picture/photograph/photo (=use a camera to make a picture) 拍照5 also 又作 take out to go with someone to a restaurant, film etc and pay for them or be responsible for them 带〔某人〕出去〔到饭店﹑电影院等〕: I’m taking her to a movie. 我要带她去看电影。 6 to hold something 拿着〔某物〕: Let me take your coat. 我来帮你拿着外套吧。She took his arm. 她挽着他的胳膊。 7 if something takes a particular amount of time, money, effort etc, you need that amount of time etc for it to happen or succeed 需要〔时间﹑金钱或努力等〕: Looking after children takes hard work. 照料孩子非常辛劳。It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dark. 过了几分钟他的眼睛才适应了黑暗。take (sb) ages/forever informal 【非正式】: The drive to the airport took forever. 开车到机场花了很长时间。take courage/guts Starting your own business takes a lot of guts. 自己创业需要很大的勇气。They can still win, but it’ll take some doing (=be difficult and take a lot of effort). 他们仍可能会赢﹐但要花大力气。 8 to accept something that is offered or given to you 接受〔某人给的东西〕: Are you going to take the job? 你准备接受那份工作吗?Jim took all the credit, even though he didn’t do much of the work. 吉姆占了全部的功劳﹐虽然他没做多少事。take credit cards/a cheque etc (=accept them as a way of paying) 接受信用卡/支票等付款方式 Do you take American Express? 你们接受美国运通信用卡付款吗?9 take a test/exam to do a test or examination [ sit BrE 【英】] 参加测验/考试: I’m taking my driving test next week. 下星期我要参加驾驶考试。 10 to study a particular subject in school or college〔在学校或大学〕攻读〔某一课程〕: Are you taking French next year? 你明年修法语吗?11 to swallow or use a medicine or drug 服〔药〕﹐吃〔药〕﹔吸〔毒〕: A lot of kids start taking drugs (=using illegal drugs) when they’re 14 or 15. 很多孩子十四五岁时开始吸毒。 12 to use a car, bus, train etc to go somewhere, or to travel using a particular road 乘坐〔汽车﹑公共汽车﹑火车等〕﹔走〔某条道路〕: Let's take the bus. 我们乘公共汽车吧。Take the M6 to Junction 19. 走 6 号公路到 19 号交叉口。see box at见 TRAVEL1 方框13 to accept an unpleasant situation [ stand ] 接受﹐忍受〔令人不愉快的情况〕: I can’t take any more of her complaining. 我再也忍受不了她的牢骚。 14 to have a particular feeling about something〔对某事物〕产生〔某种感情〕﹔感到: take pleasure/pride/an interest etc in (doing) sth You should take pride in your work. 你应该为自己的工作感到自豪。take pity on sb (=help someone because you feel sorry for them) 向某人伸出同情之手 Howard took pity on the man and gave him food. 霍华德同情那个男人﹐给了他食物。 15 to think about someone or something in a particular way, or react to them in this way〔以某种方式〕理解﹐处理: take sth badly/personally/seriously etc Try not to take his criticism personally. 别把他的批评看作是针对你个人。take sb seriously I was joking but he took me seriously. 我在开玩笑﹐但他却当真了。take sth as sth I shall take that as a compliment. 我会把那当作是一种夸奖。16 to be a suitable size, type etc for a particular person or thing 接纳﹔使用: Our car can take up to six people. 我们的汽车最多能坐六个人。What size shoe do you take? 你穿多大尺码的鞋子?17 to choose to buy something 买: We’ll take a pound of ham and a half pound of cheese. 我们想买一磅火腿和半磅奶酪。‘It's $50.’ ‘OK, I’ll take it .’ “这件东西卖 50 美元。”“好吧﹐我买下。”18 to get possession or control of something 拥有﹔控制﹔占领: Rebel forces have taken the airport. 叛军占领了机场。take control/charge/power Republicans hope to take control of Congress this fall. 共和党希望今年秋天能控制国会。Six soldiers were taken prisoner (=captured by an enemy). 六名士兵被俘虏了。19 to use something such as sugar, milk, salt etc in your food or drinks〔食物或饮料中〕加〔牛奶﹑糖﹑盐等〕: Do you take milk and sugar in your coffee? 你的咖啡要加牛奶和糖吗?20 to make a number smaller by a particular amount [ subtract ] 从…减去: take sth away/take sth (away) from sth Take 2 from 9 and you get 7. 九减二等于七。see box at见 CALCULATE 方框21 take a lot out of you to make you very tired 使精疲力尽: My job takes a lot out of me. 我的工作使我精疲力尽。 22 take sb's word for it/take it from sb spoken used to tell someone to accept that what someone says is true【口】请相信某人的话: He’ll be there on time tomorrow, take my word for it. 他明天会准时到那儿的﹐相信我。 23 I take it (that) spoken used to check with someone that something is true or has been done【口】我想﹐我以为〔用于向某人核实某事为真或已经做好〕: I take it you two have already met. 我想你们两个已经见过面了。 24 to write down information 写下﹐记下〔信息〕: Sue offered to take notes. 苏提出她来记笔记。He's not here right now – can I take a message (=write down information from someone on the telephone and give the information to someone else)? 他现在不在这儿﹐我能代为转达吗?25 to measure the amount, level, rate etc of something 量取﹔测定: The doctor took her blood pressure. 医生量了她的血压。 take after sbphr v to look or behave like an older member of your family〔在外貌或行为方面〕与〔某个长辈〕相像: Jenny takes after her dad. 珍妮长得很像她爸爸。 take sth apart phr v to separate something into all its different parts 把…拆开: Jim took apart the faucet and put in a new washer. 吉姆拆开水龙头﹐放入一个新垫圈。 take sb/sth away phr v to remove something or someone from a place 拿走﹐带走: Hyde was taken away in handcuffs. 海德戴着手铐被带走了。 take sth back phr v 1 to return something to the place or person it came from 退还: If the shirt doesn’t fit, take it back to the shop. 如果衬衫不合身﹐就拿回去退给商店。2 to admit that you were wrong to say something 收回﹐撤回〔说错的话〕: All right, I’m sorry, I take it back. 好吧﹐对不起﹐我收回我所说的话。 take sth down phr v 1 to remove something that is attached to a wall 拿下﹐取下: Our teacher made us take down all the posters. 老师让我们把所有招贴画都取下来。2 to separate something into all its different parts and move it to a different place 拆除﹐拆卸: Would you help me take down the tent? 你能帮我拆掉帐篷吗?3 to write information on a piece of paper〔在纸上〕写下﹐记下: The receptionist took down his name. 接待员记下了他的名字。see box at见 WRITE 方框take sb/sth in phr v 1 to understand and remember new facts and information 领会﹐理解﹔记住: There was so much happening in the film, it was difficult to take it all in. 这部电影里发生了那么多事﹐很难全部理解。2 be taken in (by sb/sth) to be deceived by someone or something 被欺骗: The bank had been taken in by the forged receipts. 银行被伪造的收据欺骗了。3 to let someone stay in your house because they have nowhere else to stay 收留﹐收养: The Humane Society took in almost 38,000 cats and dogs last year. 人道协会去年收养了近 38,000 只猫和狗。 4 to make a piece of clothing narrower, so that it fits you 把〔衣服〕改小take off phr v 1 take sth off to remove something [ put on ] 脱下﹐脱掉: He took off his shoes. 他脱下鞋子。see box at见 REMOVE 方框see picture at见 PUT (ON) 图2 if an aircraft takes off, it leaves the ground and goes up into the air [ land ]〔飞机〕起飞see box at见 AIRPORT 方框see picture at见 LAND2 图3 take some time/a day/a week etc off to not go to work for a period of time 休假一段时间/一天/一周等4 informal to leave somewhere quickly and suddenly【非正式】迅速离开: We packed everything in the car and took off. 我们把所有东西装上车后迅速离开了。5 to suddenly start being successful 突然开始成功: The song became a surprise hit and his career suddenly took off. 这首歌出乎意料地大受欢迎﹐他的事业突然腾飞起来。 take sb/sth on phr v 1 to compete or fight against someone, especially someone bigger or better than you 与某人〔尤指比自己个子大或优秀的对手〕比赛[打斗]: The winner of this game will take on Miami. 这场比赛的优胜者将和迈阿密队较量。2 to start doing some work or start being responsible for something 接受〔工作〕﹔承担〔责任〕: I’ve taken on far too much work lately. 最近我承担了太多的工作。3 to start to employ someone 开始雇用〔某人〕: We’re taking on 50 new staff this year. 今年我们要雇用 50 名新员工。 take sb/sth out phr v 1 take sth out to remove something from inside a building, your body etc 把…拿掉: The dentist says she may have to take out one of my back teeth. 牙医说她也许得拔掉我的一颗后牙。2 to go with someone to a restaurant, film etc, and pay for them 带〔某人〕出去〔到餐厅﹑电影院等〕: +for Rich wants to take me out for Chinese food. 里奇想带我去吃中餐。 3 take sth out to officially arrange to get something from a bank, insurance company etc〔从银行﹑保险公司等〕取得﹐获得: take out a policy/loan etc The couple took out a £20,000 loan. 那对夫妇借了 20,000 英镑的贷款。 4 take sth out to borrow books from a library〔从图书馆〕借〔书〕: You can take out six books at a time. 你一次可以借六本书。 take sth out on sbphr v to treat someone badly when you are angry, tired etc, even though it is not their fault 向〔某人〕发泄〔情绪〕﹔拿〔某人〕出气: Don’t take it out on me just because you’ve had a bad day. 不要因为你一天过得不顺心就拿我来撒气。 take over phr v to take control of something [→ takeover] 接管: take sth over His son will take over the business. 他的儿子将接管生意。 take to sb/sthphr v 1 to start to like someone or something 喜欢上…﹔对…产生好感: We took to each other right away. 我们立即就喜欢上了对方。2 take to doing sth to begin doing something regularly 养成…的习惯﹐开始定期做…: Sandra has taken to getting up early to go jogging. 桑德拉已养成了早起慢跑的习惯。 take up sthphr v 1 take sth up to start doing a new job or activity 开始从事〔新的工作或活动〕: I’ve just taken up golf. 我刚开始学打高尔夫球。2 to use or fill an amount of time or space 占用〔时间〕﹔占据〔空间〕: The program takes up a lot of memory on the hard drive. 这个程序占据了硬盘驱动器的很多内存空间。 take sb up on sthphr v to accept an invitation or suggestion 接受〔某人的邀请或提议等〕: Thanks for the offer. I might take you up on it. 谢谢你的提议﹐我可能会接受的。 take sth up with sbphr v to discuss something with someone, especially a complaint or problem 向…提出〔尤指投诉或问题〕﹔与…交涉: If you’re unhappy, you should take it up with your supervisor. 如果你不满意﹐你应该向你的主管提出来。
take2n 1 [C] an occasion when a scene from a film or a song is recorded〔电影场景〕一次开机拍摄的镜头;〔歌曲的〕一次录音: We had to do six takes for this particular scene. 这个镜头我们不得不拍了六次。2 [singular 单数] AmE informal an American word for TAKINGS 【美,非正式】营业额DOUBLE TAKE, GIVE AND TAKE