plunge1/plʌndʒ; plʌndʒ/v 1 [I] to fall forwards and DOWNWARDS , especially into water 向前倒下[跌落]〔尤指掉进水中〕: +into/off etc The van plunged into the river. 小货车猛地冲进河里。2 [T] to push something into another thing using a lot of force 将〔某物〕猛地插进〔另一物〕: plunge sth into sth He plunged the knife into the man's chest. 他把刀子捅入那男人的胸口。3 [I] to suddenly decrease by a large amount〔数量〕骤降﹐猛跌: Oil prices have plunged to a new low . 石油价格已经跌至新低。 plunge (sb/sth) into sthphr v to suddenly experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, or to make someone suddenly do this(使)陷入〔困难或令人不快的情况〕: A strike would plunge the country into chaos. 罢工会使国家陷入混乱。
plunge2n 1 take the plunge to decide to do something important and risky, especially after thinking about it carefully〔尤指经过仔细考虑后〕决定奋力一搏﹐决定冒险一试2 [singular 单数] a sudden large decrease in the price, value etc of something〔价格﹑价值等〕骤降﹐猛跌: a plunge in house prices 房价的猛跌