ashamed/əˋʃemd; əˈʃeImd/adj [not before noun 不用于名词前] feeling embarrassed or guilty about something 羞愧的﹐惭愧的: +of Mike felt ashamed of his own behaviour. 迈克为自己的行为感到羞愧。Some children are ashamed of their parents. 有些儿童为他们的父母感到羞愧。Crying is nothing to be ashamed of (=you shouldn’t feel ashamed). 哭不是什么难为情的事。be ashamed to do sth I’m ashamed to admit I only scored 20. 我很惭愧﹐只得了 20 分。+that They were ashamed that they had not offered to help. 他们为自己没有提供帮助而感到羞愧。