1 (used about part of the body) not covered by clothing (指身体的某部份)赤裸的,裸露的:
bare arms/feet/shoulders裸露的手臂/脚/肩膀☞Look at naked and nude. 参看 naked 及 nude。
2 without anything covering it or in it 没有遮盖的;空的:
They had taken the painting down, so the walls were all bare.他们把画拿了下来,所以墙上空无一物。
3 just enough; the most basic or simple 仅够的;最起码的:
You won't pass your exams if you just do the bare minimum.如果你只作最低限度的努力,考试便过不了关。I don't take much luggage when I travel, just the bare essentials.我旅行的时候不带很多行李,只带最起码的必备用品。
with your bare hands without weapons or tools 赤手空拳:
She killed him with her bare hands.她徒手杀了他。