uniform1/ˋjunə͵fɔrm; ˈjuːnəfɔːm or ˈjuːnIfɔːm/n [C,U] a type of clothing worn by all the members of an organization, or all the children at a school 制服﹔校服: school/army/police etc uniform Do you like the new school uniform? 你喜欢新的校服吗?He wasn’t wearing his uniform . 他没有穿制服。in uniform a police officer in uniform 一名穿制服的警察 —uniformed adj : a uniformed police officer 一名穿着制服的警察
uniform2adj things that are uniform are all the same size, shape etc〔大小﹑形状等〕一致的﹐相同的 —uniformly adv —uniformity /͵junəˋfɔrmətI; ˌjuːnəˈfɔːməti or ˌjuːnIˈfɔːmIti/n [U]