insult1/ˋInsʌlt; ˈInsʌlt/n [C] a remark or action that is offensive or shows a lack of respect 辱骂﹔侮辱﹔冒犯: He started shouting insults at her. 他对着她高声辱骂起来。+to The plan is an insult to teachers. 这个计划对教师是种侮辱。
insult2/Inˋsʌlt; Inˈsʌlt/v [T] to say or do something that offends someone 侮辱﹔冒犯: You should apologize for insulting her. 你侮辱了她﹐应该道歉。John would be insulted if we didn’t go. 我们要是不去﹐约翰会介意的。—insulting adj : comments that are insulting to women 对女性无礼的评论see box at见 RUDE 方框