proud/praUd; praʊd/adj 1 feeling pleased because you think that something you have achieved or are connected with is very good [→ pride] 自豪的﹐引以为荣的: +of Her parents are very proud of her. 她父母为她深感自豪。proud to do/be sth I’m proud to receive this award. 能得到这个奖我感到很荣幸。+(that) She was proud that her book was going to be published. 她很自豪﹐新书马上要出版了。proudest moment/achievement/possession His proudest moment (=the one he is most proud of) was winning the cup final. 他最引以为荣的时刻是在足总杯决赛中胜出。2 having respect for yourself, so that you are embarrassed to ask for help when you are in a difficult situation 自尊的﹐自重的: She was too proud to ask him for money. 她自尊心太强﹐不愿向他要钱。3 disapproving thinking that you are better, more important etc than other people【贬】傲慢的﹐自大的THESAURUS 同类词conceited/big-headed – too proud of yourself, especially of what you can do 自负的﹐骄傲自大的〔尤对自己能做到的事〕vain – too proud of yourself, especially of your appearance 自视过高的﹐自负的〔尤指对外表〕arrogant – showing that you think you are better than other people 傲慢的﹐目中无人的4 do sb proud to make people feel proud of you by doing something well 为某人争光﹐使某人为你感到自豪: The team did their fans proud. 这支球队为自己的球迷争了光。 —proudly adv