/splæʃ ||; splæʃ/verb
[I,T] (used about a liquid) to fall or to make liquid fall noisily or fly in drops onto a person or thing (指液体)(使)飞溅,溅湿:
Rain splashed against the windows.雨水溅到窗户上。The children were splashing each other with water.孩子们互相泼水。Be careful not to splash paint onto the floor.小心别把油漆泼到地板上。splash out (on sth) (Brit 英) (informal 非正式) to spend money on sth that is expensive and that you do not really need 挥霍(金钱)
/splæʃ ||; splæʃ/noun[C]
1 the sound of liquid hitting sth or of sth hitting liquid (液体的)溅泼声:
Paul jumped into the pool with a big splash.保罗扑通一声跳进游泳池。
2 a small amount of liquid that falls onto sth 溅起的液体:
splashes of oil on the cooker溅在炉具上的油渍☞picture at ripple 见ripple插图
3 a small bright area of colour 鲜艳的色斑:
Flowers add a splash of colour to a room.花朵能使房间增添一点色彩。