/kənˈtent ||; kənˈtɛnt/adj
(not before a noun 不用于名词前) content (with sth);content to do sth happy or satisfied with what you have or do 满足;满意:
I don't need a new car -- I'm perfectly content with the one I've got.我不需要新车─现有的这辆车我已经很满意了。
/ˈkɒntent ||; ˈkɑntɛnt/noun
1contents [pl] the thing or things that are inside sth 内容;里面的东西:
Add the contents of this packet to a pint of cold milk and mix well.将包内的材料加入一品脱冷牛奶,然后搅匀。
2 [sing] the main subject, ideas, etc of a book, article, television programme, etc (书、文章、电视节目等的)内容,要义,要旨:
The content of the essay is good, but there are too many grammatical mistakes.这文章内容不错,可惜语法错误太多。
3 [sing] the amount of a particular substance that sth contains 含量:
Many processed foods have a high sugar content.许多加工食品含糖量很高。
/kənˈtent ||; kənˈtɛnt/noun[sing] to your heart's content→HEART
/kənˈtent ||; kənˈtɛnt/verb
[T] content yourself with sth to accept sth even though it was not exactly what you wanted 将就:
The restaurant was closed, so we had to content ourselves with a sandwich.餐馆已经关门,我们只好将就一下,吃一块三明治。