clever/ˋklɛvɚ; ˈklevə/adj 1 especially BrE someone who is clever is intelligent and understands things quickly [ smart AmE 【美】] 【尤英】聪明的: a clever student 一个聪明的学生My brothers are all very clever. 我的兄弟都很聪明。It was very clever of you to work it out. 你真聪明﹐想出了答案。see box at见 INTELLIGENT 方框2 things, ideas etc that are clever are skilfully designed〔事物﹑想法等〕巧妙的﹔聪明的: clever advertising 巧妙的广告a clever little gadget 一个巧妙的小玩意 3 [not before noun 不用于名词前] skilled in a particular activity [ good ] 灵巧的﹐伶俐的: clever at doing sth Heidi's quite clever at spotting a bargain. 海迪很会淘便宜货。He's always been clever with his hands (=good at making things). 他的手总是很灵巧。 —cleverly adv —cleverness n [U]