suffer/ˋsʌfɚ; ˈsʌfə/v 1 [I,T] to experience physical or emotional pain 遭受(痛苦): She's suffering a lot of pain. 她痛得很厉害。He died in his sleep and didn’t suffer. 他在睡梦中去世﹐没有遭受痛苦。+from David is suffering from a knee injury. 戴维膝部受伤未愈。2 [I,T] to experience and be badly affected by something [ benefit ] 遭受(困难)﹔吃苦头: Small businesses suffered financially because of the crisis. 小企业因为这场危机遭受了经济损失。+from He is suffering from financial problems. 他正面临经济困难。We are suffering the consequences of other people's bad decisions. 别人的错误决定﹐我们在承担后果。In 1667 England suffered a defeat by the Dutch (=they lost a battle to the Dutch). 1667 年英国被荷兰打败。3 [I] to become worse in quality because of something 变差﹐变糟: Safety will suffer if costs are cut. 如果削减费用﹐将会影响安全。 —sufferer n [C] —suffering n [C,U]