publish/ˋpʌblIʃ; ˈpʌblIʃ/v 1 [I,T] to print a book, magazine etc and offer it for sale [→ publication] 出版〔书刊等〕: The book was published in 1968. 这本书出版于 1968 年。2 [T] if a newspaper, magazine etc publishes a story, photograph etc, it prints it〔报纸﹑杂志等〕刊登﹐登载: We publish as many of your letters as we can. 我们会把大家的来信尽量刊登出来。3 [T] to make information available 公布﹐公开﹐宣布: The results will be published this week. 结果将于本周公布。4 [I,T] if a writer, musician etc publishes his or her work, their work is printed in a book, magazine etc〔作家﹑音乐家等〕发表〔作品〕: She's published a few short stories. 她已经发表了几部短篇小说。