panel/ˋpænḷ; ˈpænl/n [C] 1 a piece of wood, glass etc that is part of a door, wall, or ceiling〔门﹑墙或天花板上的〕嵌板﹐镶板﹔玻璃: an oak door with three panels 带三块镶板的橡木门2 a group of people who are chosen to discuss something or answer questions〔由选定人员组成的〕专题讨论小组﹔答问小组: +of a panel of experts 专家小组on a panel There were several professors on the panel. 专家组里有几位教授。3 instrument/control panel the part in a car, plane, boat etc that has the controls on it〔汽车﹑飞机﹑船上等的〕仪表板/控制面板