lady/ˋledI; ˈleIdi/n [C] plural ladies 1 a polite word for a woman [→ gentleman] 女士﹔小姐〔礼貌用语〕: Good afternoon, ladies. 下午好﹐女士们。young/old/elderly etc lady The young lady at reception sent me up here. 接待处的小姐让我来这里的。the ladies’ hockey team 女子曲棍球队see box at见 WOMAN 方框2 a woman who is polite and behaves well [→ gentleman] 举止文雅的女子﹐淑女: A lady never swears. 淑女从不说粗话。3 the ladies BrE a public toilet for women [ ladies’ room AmE 【美】]【英】女厕所﹐女盥洗室4 Lady a title used before the name of a British woman of high social rank 夫人﹔小姐〔一种称呼﹐用于英国社会地位高的女子名字前〕: Lady Helen Windsor 海伦∙温莎夫人