demand1/dIˋmænd; dIˈmɑːnd/n 1 [singular 单数, U] the need or desire that people have for goods and services 需求﹐需要: +for There's a great demand for new housing. 对新住房有很大的需求量。the growing demand for organic produce 对有机产品不断增加的需求skills that are much in demand 殷切需要的技能2 [C] a very determined request for something 要求: +for demands for political reform 对政治改革的要求3 demands [plural 复数] the difficult or tiring things you have to do, or the skills you need 困难[累人]的事情﹔〔对技能的〕要求: +of the demands of modern life 现代生活的种种烦心事+on The play makes considerable demands on the actors’ talents. 这部剧对演员的才能要求相当高。4 on demand whenever someone wants something 一经要求: Do you feed your baby on demand? 你是在宝宝需要时才喂食吗?
demand2v [T] 1 to ask for something in a determined way(坚决)要求: The President demanded the release of all the hostages. 总统要求释放所有人质。+that They demanded that he should resign. 他们要求他辞职。demand to know/see etc sth They demanded to see my passport. 他们要求看我的护照。‘Where are you going?’ she demanded angrily. “你要去哪里?”她气愤地质问道。see box at见 ASK 方框2 if one thing demands another thing, it needs that thing in order to be successful 需要: Learning a language demands a great deal of time and effort. 学习一门语言需要花费大量时间和努力。