available/əˋveləbḷ; əˈveIləb$l/adj 1 if something is available, you can have it, buy it, or use it 可得到的﹔可买到的﹔可使用的: +at/in/from Tickets are available from the box office. 门票于售票处有售。+to Not enough data is available to scientists. 没有足够的资料可供科学家使用。+for land that is available for development 可以开发的土地readily/widely available ATMs are readily available in our cities. 自动取款机在我们的城市里随处可见。2 [not before noun 不用于名词前] someone who is available is not busy and has enough time to talk to you 有空的: Dr Wright is not available at the moment. 赖特医生现在没有空。—availability /ə͵veləˋbIlətI; əˌveIləˈbIləti or əˌveIləˈbIlIti/n [U]